Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is an anti-discrimination law that states no person in the United States, on the basis of sex, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Title IX Contact Person

The District designates the individual(s) identified below as the employee(s) responsible for coordinating the District's efforts to comply with applicable state and federal civil rights laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Will Parker (oversees Title IX compliance, accepts initial complaints, implements remedies) Superintendent's Office 5204 Highway 11, North Ellisville, Mississippi 39437 Telephone: 601-649-5201 Email: wrparker@jonesk12.org

Timeline for Completion of Investigation

Under Title IX, students and employees are entitled to a timely and comprehensive investigation of their complaint. While 60 calendar days serves as a good baseline for the length of a typical investigation, complex investigations may require additional time. This 60 Day benchmark refers to completion of the investigation and the administrative process in 60 days as a benchmark.

The Title IX investigative process is broken down into several phases, including

1. Notification to the parties

2. Gathering of facts, documents, and records

3. Review and analysis of the evidence

4. Determination of whether or not violations occurred

5. Drafting of a final report